Container Sellers: 5 Easy Tips To Increase Your Sales Online

5 Easy Tips to Increase Your Sales Online
There is no easier or more cost effective method to expand your business than the internet. Standing out amongst your competition however, is not an easy task. The key to success is continual adaptation and expansion of your online presence and authority.
- Update Your Website. Any website not using the latest HTML5 code is hurting your online presence. If you want to get more free Google search visitors, your site needs fresh content and must utilize the latest internet standards. Hiring a competent web designer to update your site can rocket your online presence and ultimately expand your sales.
- Get Certified. Buyer’s want to prominently see your credibility, such as: Mcafee Secure, BBB certification, Norton Secured Seal, Certified Seller, NPSA badge, etc. The more the better; in every split test we’ve seen, buyer’s love certifications and they are much more likely to buy from a trusted and certified seller like you.
- Social Media. Love it or hate it, Twitter, Facebook, even Pinterest and YouTube can bring you more buyers. If you don’t enjoy social media, then hire a young guru that can do it for you. Your new hire should be someone that truly loves social media and can curate a lasting cult-like following of future buyers and their friends. You can share unique container photos, container home projects gone terribly wrong, whatever you like; just make it interesting and entertaining.
- Blogging. Blogs provide fresh content that Google and Buyers crave. You shouldn’t always pitch your containers for sale either. Discuss every aspect of your business, even the operational side is interesting to many of your buyers. People also love reading about successful transactions or how to prevent delivery disasters. Make it fun and entertaining and you’ll grow a following of loving fans. Checkout for a blog that real customers follow and enjoy reading.
- Sell at an online marketplace. Your top choices are and Ebay requires you to create container listings, upload photos and then pay fees, which often amount to 10%-15% of the final value. On the other hand, is free and more of an extension of the way you currently do business. Buyers visit Shipped and submit requests which arrive in your Seller’s account. You place a bid and the buyer accepts your offer. The Buyer sends funds, container is shipped, delivery is successful and funds are dispersed to you. The best part is there are never any costs or fees at
Ultimately, the best thing you can do to gain more business online is to keep expanding your efforts. Addressing a few, or even just one of the methods above can have a profound impact on your sales. If you have questions or comments, reach out to me, I’d enjoy hearing from you in the comments below.
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